
This package contains utilities which may be useful in working with AIRR-C JSON germline sets


The package requires python, and can be installed using pip:

pip install receptor-germline-tools

It requires Biopython, which may need to be installed separately.

Using the rich information in AIRR-C germline sets

Quick summary:

Given an AIRR-C germline set germlines.json, create a FASTA-formatted IMGT-gapped set, in which the header lists paralogs (other items in the set with the same sequence) and aliases (other names by which this item has been known):

create_fasta -i germlines.json -o germlines.fasta -g -f paralogs,aliases

Given an AIRR-C rearrangements file or Changeo file rearrangements.tsv, create a copy that also includes columns for subgroup number, gene number and allele number of each V,D and J allele, using information from the germline set:

add_germline_annotations rearrangements.tsv germlines.json \
  rearrangements_annotated.tsv \
  -f subgroup_designation,gene_designation,allele_designation

Fields that can be included with the -f option

More detail:

create_fasta - Create a gapped or ungapped FASTA file from an AIRR-C JSON-format germline set, optionally containing additional information in the header

add_germline_annotations - Annotate an AIRR-C rearrangements file with additional germline information from a AIRR-C JSON-format germline set

Working with IGLabel-style sequence names

Alleles in the mouse germline sets are allocated four-letter IgLabel-style labels with ‘dummy’ subgroup and allele designations. These can be used as-is with many tools.

Further information

add_germline_annotations - Convert IgLabel-style labels in an alignment file to dummy IUIS format

convert_fasta_labels - Create a custom auxiliary data file for IgBlast